Noncanonical function of an autophagy protein prevents spontaneous Alzheimer’s disease > NEWS

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Noncanonical function of an autophagy protein prevents spontaneous Alz…

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Noncanonical functions of autophagy proteins have been implicated in neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The WD domain of the autophagy protein Atg16L is dispensable for canonical autophagy but required for its noncanonical functions. Two-year-old mice lacking this domain presented with robust β-amyloid (Aβ) pathology, tau hyperphosphorylation, reactive microgliosis, pervasive neurodegeneration, and severe behavioral and memory deficiencies, consistent with human disease. Mechanistically, we found this WD domain was required for the recycling of Aβ receptors in primary microglia. Pharmacologic suppression of neuroinflammation reversed established memory impairment and markers of disease pathology in this novel AD model. Therefore, loss of the Atg16L WD domain drives spontaneous AD in mice, and inhibition of neuroinflammation is a potential therapeutic approach for treating neurodegeneration and memory loss. A decline in expression of ATG16L in the brains of human patients with AD suggests the possibility that a similar mechanism may contribute in human disease.

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대표 : 김좌진 ㅣ 개인정보관리 : 김좌진 ㅣ 사업자번호 : 253-86-01081 ㅣ 통신판매업신고: 2018-대전동구-0190호
본사 : 대전광역시 동구 충정로 21, 4105호 ㅣ 기업부설연구소 : 대전광역시 동구 충정로 21, 4104호
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